Monthly Newsletters
Important information and upcoming events will be communicated in each month's newsletter.
We like to invite parents to share in their child's early education and encourage them to volunteer in the classroom, for special events or driving for fieldtrips. Must complete criminal background check.
JW ELC approach supports individual learning with smaller teacher-pupil ratios than in a traditional classroom.
Progress Reports
Daily and/or Quarter Reports will be used to track our children for progress, development and awareness are evaluated throughout the program.
Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled once a year.
Snack & Lunch
JW ELC will provide a nutritional breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack daily. The menu will be posted at the entry door monthly. Parents will need to provide breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack for children with allergies and/or special diets.
We provide cots and quiet time for children who take a nap after lunch.
Safety & Cleanliness
The safety and cleanliness of our facilities and equipment is given the highest priority.